Trauma-Stewardship and Team Health

the brave thing

Brave Retreats

We know that pausing for personal reflection, inviting the uncertainty we need in order to forge new approaches, and prioritising well-being can be hard to do, and sometimes even hard to justify.  But we believe that it’s the Brave thing to do.


We welcome all managers who want to understand how stress and trauma impacts their team’s dynamics and professional ‘reach’.  We welcome people who understand that their leadership role is complex and challenging; who are interested in finding ways of maintaining a sustainable focus on the vision and values of their homes / organisations.  We offer a space for shared expertise to enrich and resource.  We support follow up meetings and co-mentoring to embed long-lasting, effective, stress reducing practice.


Who Should attend


Practitioners, leaders and managers who have both responsibility and accountability in social care settings, regulated or otherwise.


Please find more information and how to book on this link.



People who help people



Working in a demanding environment requires resilience and self-awareness. 


We offer resilience and self-care training to reduce stress and to support sustainable practice. We offer consultation and clinical supervision for professionals working within organisations who support vulnerable client groups in order sustain work-force integrity, efficacy, well-being and resilience. This supervision will help professionals to avoid burn out, compassion fatigue, work-related stress, and trauma-exposure response.


People who help people need to be supported through regular reflective practice opportunities.  In order to transform secondary trauma into trauma-resilience, practitioners / helpers / therapists / teachers / elders / clinicians all need expertise and a nourishing environment.


Our focus for this quarter is learning and development opportunities for parents and carers, including:


Why can't my child behave?

Empathic behaviour management strategies.

Understanding trauma and how it impacts the brain and relationships.

Behaviour as communication - What is my child trying to communicate?

How can I de-code their behaviour?

What can I do, to help them?


Therapeutic Consultation

Bring questions about your child / children to a dynamic learning environment, where greater understanding and resources can be developed.

Share resources and ideas.

Reduce secondary trauma.

Increase trauma resilience.


Birth Family Dynamics

Understanding your role with birth family contact.

Supporting the longing that your foster child / children express, towards their birth families.


Developmental Trauma

Core needs and capacities

Shame and blame dynamics

Pride and aggression

Sexual abuse


Brain reparation and hope


Give us a call